About Us

We're an ambitious team with a shared mission.

Combine sections from Ollie's vast component library and create beautiful, detailed pages.

Businesses use Ollie to create great looking websites.

Built For Customers
Mollis mauris duis vel suspendisse. Nec enim nulla quis faucibus fringilla tempor neque. Pellentesque posuere quis.
Driven by values
Nisi, massa volutpat nisl in proin tempus, nibh quis. At amet amet mauris id nunc nisi. Porttitor massa ut aliquet odio id sit ullamcorper dolor.
Focused on scaling
Purus tellus hac sit ut velit urna porttitor. Urna consequat integer malesuada ornare proin turpis turpis feugiat accumsan. Netus purus consectetur viverra.
Leadership Team

Meet our dedicated crew.

David Joffroy


Léa Divry

Isabelle Tournis

Pédicure médicale

Séverine Dannau

Neuropsychologue - Psychologue clinicienne

Charlotte Wolf



Kinésithérapeute pédiatrique, formateur, conférencier et coach sportif en Trail Running


Diététicienne agréée

Laure Stas de Richelle




Perrine Collard


Sophie Wrincq


Sandra Korczyk


Barbara Radomme

Instructrice Yoga

Aurélie Essers

Kinésithérapeute - Nutrithérapeute - Coach sportive - Gestionnaire du centre FCC

Guillaume De Galan

Gynécologue - Obstétricien
Careers at Ollie

They use Ollie to create great websites.

A wealth of styles and elements makes Ollie perfect for building websites for small, medium and large businesses.
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Resources for business

Feature great content from your blog.

A powerful suite of features to help you build fast and functional layouts. Ollie is perfect for building websites of almost any kind.

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Built for customers

Ollie makes it easy and fun to combine interface blocks and build pages fast.

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Perfect for business

A wealth of styles and elements makes Ollie perfect for building websites.

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Great help center

Build with confidence and take advantage of Webflow’s vast library of tutorials.

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Build websites rapidly with over 100 interface blocks.